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Top 5 Low Maintenance House Plants

House plants are certainly having their moment right now. They are a highly versatile, living decor piece that are capable of sprucing up any space. I’ve owned (and accidentally killed…) many different types of plants, so I’m happy to share my top 5 low maintenance houseplants. 

1. The Snake Plant (Sansevieria Trifasciata)

Snake plants make great plants because they are attractive, hardy, and don’t require a lot of light. In fact, most snake plants respond better to a little bit of benign neglect because they can suffer from overwatering. My favorite thing about my snake plant is the vertical line that it creates in any space – it’s a great way to add greenery and draw the eye upwards.

snake plant in a white pot

2. ZZ Plant (Zamioulcas Zamifolia)

This plant is great because it doesn’t need a lot of direct light and it can thrive in almost any room in your home. It’s leaves are toxic so it’s best to keep this one away from small children and pets. I keep mine on a shelf in my bathroom and it really freshens up the space.

ZZ plant

3. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

I love pothos! One of my coworkers gave me one about 7 years ago and it’s survived 3 different apartments and countless different light situations. These plants love bright, indirect light and plenty of room to spread (since technically it is a vining plant). One of my favorite things to do is propagate the leaves so I have even more plants!

4. Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea Recurvata)

Ponytail palms are just really cute plants. They do well in bright, indirect light and they are fairly slow growing, so you don’t need to re-pot as frequently. I bought mine to go in the bedroom and I just adore the tropical vibe they give off. They also add a lot of volume to whatever space they occupy, so they can look great on tables or bookshelves.

Ponytail palm

5. Air plant (Tillandsia)

Air plants make great decor because they are small and can fit in almost anywhere. Just give them a water bath every week or two and they will thrive. Air plants come in all shapes and sizes and some might need more water than others, so just keep that in mind when you’re shopping around.

All of the plants mentioned above will brighten up your space and make a great addition to your home decor. Be sure to do your own research of what climate zone your house is in so you can be prepared for differences in humidity, sunlight, and temperature. If you are ever unsure about how to make your plant thrive, just ask anyone who works at a garden or plant store. A lot of staff have plenty of knowledge about plant care and they are often happy to share their tips and tricks with you.

One thing to keep in mind when you’re shopping around for plants is that care recommendations can change seasonally. For example, a plant that you water once a week in the summer may only need water once every two weeks in winter. As a plant owner, you might have to check on the soil of your plants more frequently to recognize patterns of dryness or overwatering.

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