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17 Phenomenal Artist Date Ideas to Try


Have you been looking for artist date ideas after reading The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron? If so, you’re in the right place! One of the most exciting and interesting parts of the book is her recommendation to take an “Artist Date” every single week as a way to flex your creativity, get in touch with your inner voice, and push yourself outside of your comfort zone.

What is the Artist Date?

Writer Julia Cameron states that the artist’s date is “a block of time, perhaps two hours weekly, especially set aside and committed to nurturing your creative consciousness, your inner artist.”

The Artist Date is easier said than done. When I initially read about it, I thought it would be a fun and easy undertaking that wouldn’t take very much thought. Unfortunately, I was a little wrong on that front. Taking just two hours out of the week to do something new/unknown is NOT a small task! It requires planning, organization, and even a little bit of courage.

If you’re like me and struggling with ideas for artist dates, look no further. Below, I’ve outlined 17 artist date ideas that will help you tap into your inner artist and get your gears turning.

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17 Artist Date Ideas

17 artist date ideas

1. Visit a Museum

This one might seem fairly obvious because a museum is a place that houses fine art and artifacts. However, museums can also feel a little stuffy and uninspiring. Here are a few ways to make your art museum trip a little more interesting:

  • Bring your sketchbook and draw your favorite pieces.
  • Take a guided tour and ask questions that you might normally brush off.
  • Visit the kid’s section (if there is one) and do an activity meant for kids.
  • Buy a postcard at the gift shop and send it to a friend or loved one.

Depending on what museum you visit, you may find yourself feeling a lot of different emotions. An art museum might elicit different feelings than a museum of natural history. You could even visit museums on different days to see how the content impacts your mood.

2. Take a Hike

You don’t need mountains to take a hike! Even if it’s just going out on a walk in your local park, getting out into nature can be very restorative. While you’re out there, take time to observe the plants, animals, and habitats that surround you. You might be surprised how a change of scenery also changes your mood.

3. Visit a New Coffee Shop

Coffee shops are a great place to settle in with a coffee or tea and observe the world around you. I personally enjoy people watching at cafes, but they’re also great for sketching or writing. Pack a journal or sketchbook and allow yourself the freedom to express yourself in a completely different idea.

If you’re feeling brave, strike up a conversation with a stranger. While Julia Cameron frames the Artist Date as a solo excursion, it doesn’t mean that you can’t interact with the world and make some new friends. I think conversations with strangers can be incredibly stimulating.

Coffee shop artist date ideas
Photo by Nafinia Putra on Unsplash

4. Attend a Book Reading or Lecture

Do you live near a local college or bookstore? Make sure to check their events and see if there are any visiting authors or professors who are giving public lectures. This is a great way to learn something new for free.

Who is your favorite author? Many authors tour after a book release, so you can easily go online and see if they might be coming to a bookstore near you.

5. Get a Massage

Human touch can be healing, so a spa date might be the perfect opportunity to unwind and tap into your inner artist. Don’t worry if your mind wanders – that might be exactly what it needs to do.

6. Visit a Beach or Lake

Did you know that being in, under, or near a body of water can actually make you healthier and happier? This effect is called the “Blue Mind” and it actually has been scientifically proven to put your mind and body at ease. While you’re there, make sure to take some deep breaths and soak in the moment.

You don’t have to live near an ocean to experience Blue Mind – any body of water will do! Head to your nearest lake, sea, or pond and you might be surprised by how you feel.

7. Go to a Concert

Going to a concert alone might be intimidating, but keep in mind that it doesn’t need to be the Taylor Swift tour. Check your local college and see if the music department has any free concerts. Some coffee shops and bars also have free concerts that are a little more low-key.

If you’re feeling more adventurous, look up a jazz bar and see when the local performances are. You might discover a whole new genre of music that you didn’t even know you liked!

8. Ride a Bike

This is a great option because it’s so accessible – you can ride a bike pretty much anywhere. Don’t have a bike? Some downtown areas of cities have affordable bike rentals for the public. No bike rentals? Phone a friend and see if they might be able to lend you one for the day.

9. Visit a Zoo or Aquarium

I personally love this idea because I am a big animal lover! Both zoos and aquariums are a great place to learn and discover new things. You can also bring a sketchbook if you like to sketch what you see.

Artist date ideas - zoo
Photo by Omar Ram on Unsplash

10. Try Plein Air Painting

En plein air literally translates to “in the open air.” While plein air painting was popularized in the 19th century and in French impressionistic paintings, anyone can try it for themselves. All you need is some painting supplies and an outdoor scene.

This is a great artist’s date because it does a couple of different things:

  1. It challenges you to paint on-site, so you must observe your subject in the present.
  2. It forces you to be mindful of your location and think about the composition you’re creating
  3. You have to accept that people might approach you about your painting. There’s no “hiding” your art.

As artists, it can be frightening to have an audience when working on art. Especially if you don’t feel technically competent. That’s okay! That’s part of what makes this such a great exercise. You have to discard your shame in order to finish the piece.

11. Visit a Historic Landmark or Building

Most towns or cities have a historic area that is open to visitors. This is a great opportunity to learn more about your local history and have some fun asking questions. You might be surprised by what you discover!

12. Visit a Farmer’s Market or Craft Fair

What better place to be inspired? A farmer’s market often contains local produce, art, and ready-made goods. It’s a great place to draw inspiration while also connecting with your local community. You might even have conversations with people who have similar ideas and goals.

Another fun idea if you like to cook: purchase five random ingredients at the farmer’s market. With your ingredients, make a farmer’s market lunch and invite a friend to share with.

13. Attend a Dance Class

You would be surprised how easy it is to find dance classes near you. Many salsa instructors teach lessons at bars and clubs before social dancing. Alternatively, many dance studios offer beginner classes that are open to anyone.

Dancing is a wonderful way to tap into your body and let go of former ideas of yourself. While some people find dancing embarrassing, it’s actually a great way to connect to other people. Movement of any kind offers our minds a sense of peace and tranquility.

artist date ideas - dance class
Photo by Danielle Cerullo on Unsplash

14. Go to an Antique or Thrift Store

There’s something about thrift stores that always get my ideas going. Items might be old, odd, and everything in between. I like imagining the people that the items used to belong to. If you end up finding some great new fashion or home decor, that’s a bonus!

15. Visit a Botanical Garden

This one might be tricky if you don’t live in a larger city, but botanical gardens can be a beautiful place to spend an afternoon. Many of them also have butterfly gardens, which are quite the sight to behold. Botanical gardens remind you that the natural world is a beautiful place.

16. Go to a Cultural Event

Many cities have cultural events all year round that are open to the public. Take a look at the event schedule of your city or town and find something that piques your interest. You just might learn something new!

17. Take a Cooking Class

No matter what level chef you are, there is a cooking class out there for you. Even if you don’t have local in-person classes, check out online classes that meet through Zoom.

Cooking classes can be a great way to try new flavors and techniques. Don’t worry about the fear of judgement – just embrace the opportunity.

Artist date ideas - cooking class
Photo by Edgar Castrejon on Unsplash

Next Steps

Now that you have plenty of artist date ideas, what are you waiting for? Please feel free to comment if you try any of these ideas out on your own. I’d love to hear about them!


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