Nail polish can have a little bit of a learning curve and it can be really hard to make your nail polish last. For years, I never even painted my nails. I’ve always had short nails (and a tendency to pick at them) and I felt like the expense of maintaining manicures wasn’t really worth it. I would only get my nails done if I was going on a special trip or going to a wedding. In fact, I actually got my VERY FIRST manicure at a salon at the ripe old age of 22.
My DIY Manicure Journey
During the pandemic, though, everything changed. I was working from home and I felt increasingly isolated and bored from the monotony of daily life. That’s when I started doing my own nails. I started off with very simple, basic polish and then bought a set of dotting tools to experiment with. Now, I do my nails all the time and I get a lot of compliments from people who think that I actually went to a salon.
One of the bigger challenges of doing your nails is making them last. I don’t use gel-cured polish, mainly because I think it’s a pain to remove. Over the past year, I have learned some tips on how to make regular nail polish last longer.
Top Tips for a Chip-Free Manicure
1. Prep your nails
The best way to keep your polish for a long time is to spend an extra 10 minutes prepping your nails. This article from the polish pros at Olive and June does a great job of explaining the whole process. Basically, you first want to clean your nails with a polish remover so that no polish/debris remains on the nail. You should then clip and shape your nails to your desired shape. Finally, you’ll want to lightly buff your nails so that any extra dead skin or rough edges are removed.
Taking the extra time to prep can make a big difference in how the polish adheres to your nail. This isn’t sponsored, but I would highly recommend the Mani System from Olive and June if you need the tools to get started.
2. Don’t use lotion or cuticle oil beforehand
We all love having soft hands, but putting any type of lotion on your hands before applying polish is a big no-no. This is mainly due to the fact that the oils and emollients in the lotion can get under the polish and make it easier to flake off once it’s dry. It’s actually a lot better to dab your nails with a little extra nail polish remover or acetone before you apply polish so that you can ensure your nails are clean and dry.
3. Use a quality nail polish
Nail polish quality can make a big difference in how long your mani lasts. Longevity can vary from person to person, so I do feel like it can sometimes take a little experimentation to find out which formulas that you like. My personal favorite brands are: Olive and June, Essie, and OPI.

4. Apply thin coats in layers
I used to glob on my nail polish and then be surprised when I inevitably smeared it off after it still wasn’t dry 30 minutes later. Applying your polish in thin, even layers can help them dry quicker so that you don’t accidentally smudge it off. Applying thin coats can also help you control the opacity so that you can decide how dark or light you want the color to be on your nail.
5. Avoid water when you can
Of course we all need to wash our hands, but try to avoid exposing your nails to long periods of time in the water. To make your mani last, avoid doing dishes without gloves and try not to keep your hands submerged in a hot tub. Once water gets under the polish, it can easily flake off in big chunks that are hard to cover up.
If you need some inspiration for your own DIY nails, make sure to check out some of my nail art tutorials. All of them are beginner-friendly and some of them don’t even require any special tools beyond a nail polish bottle.